1. We are inviting you to prepare a full length paper for inclusion in the IBGS 13 Proceedings to be posted on the GrainGenes website after the Symposium.

Publicity for authors in the Grain Genes ( ) is free of charge, without peer-reviewing.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 1 September 2022.

More informationDownload: TEMPLATE for Full length paper Grain Genes


2. You are invited to submit the manuscripts in the international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal AGRONOMY for a special issue “Barley Genetic Resources: Advancing Conservation and Applications for Breeding“.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 20 October 2022.


Based on citation activity in the Web of Science, the new Impact Factor for /Agronomy/ increased to 3.949 (+16% compared with 2020), 
ranking in *Q1* (18 of 90) in the Agronomy category, and *Q1*, (55 of 238) in the Plant Sciences category. The five-year IF is 4.117.